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Monday, December 22, 2008

Nerds Vs Jocks

Another cold one today, not as many people showed for this one as the last game hosted by the bully dogs but it was still a good time.

Jack Davis and Tim Slone put a lot of time planning this game out, there were various missions with mini games following shortly after such as; Intramurals follwed by an actual game of tug of war. The tug of war match had uneven sides due to the stipulations of the Intramurals game. Each team picked 2 payers to represent the tug of war for each match (1 of 3) won in the Intramurals game.

The next mission was the Belching Contest where both teams had to locate the horn in the middle of the field and blow it at every 3 minutes.

Following the Belching contest were two games combined in to one due to pressed time. The game was Panty Raid and Who Gets The Girl. This game consisted of going around the field trying to find 5 pairs of womens under wear and hanging them on a manequen.

All in all this was an awesome game, i hope everyone is as anxious as i am to play the next game hosted by the bully dogs. There will be pics soon.


nerds vs jocks

Saturday, November 22, 2008

CTF Elimination in Guysville

had a turnout of about 12 today. Nice little woodsball field with a steep hill and creek for boundaries. It was a pretty cold day for paintball so there were quite a few gun malfunctions. Noone managed to take any pics this game so i apologize, i will try to get some next time out.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Woodsball In Trimble

Over all really good game, had a turn out of 27 players including a few of the paintball club guys. lot of honorable players made this trip, one group even made an 80+ mile trip to attend the match. We normally have games once a month at this field, so we will start playing every three weeks and every two weeks in the new season.I would like to thank Luke Curry for putting on this game, he always puts on good matches and more is coming to the field for 2009, we will have night games under the lights as well as an extension to the field. We have a good bit of footage from these games, i will mix them along with some music and get them posted up once i receive the data from the tapes. I will also put up some pics of past games we held.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Paintball Club Meetings

We will be running meetings every wednesday @ 5pm in the Student Center lobby. Meet by the couch. We will discuss upcoming games and events and we are open to all suggestions from club members. If you have any questions or corncerns you can contact Chris Miller,Tim Rice or Paul Daniel at the following adresses:

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Clear and Present Danger

We had a turn out of 60+ at the Clear and Present Danger game hosted by Team Bully Dogs in Newark. The game was based off the Tom Clancy novel with three teams consisting of a drug cartel, the Columbian Army, and the US Special Forces. Each team needed to complete multiple objectives, I was on the Columbian Army team led by my good friend Luke Curry, our objectives were to seize the Hosienda, the main drug base, destroy multiple small drug bases, capture a US Special Forces member and hold him hostage by means of barrel tag, and assasinate the leader of the drug cartel. I will have pictures up as soon as i get a link to downlaod them from.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Big Fall Game At Splatterpark

The Big Fall Game at Splatterpark turned out over 1,100 players. The scenario was "Its a matter of national security". This field is huge, they had multiple objectives to complete over a vide variety of terrains. The field owners partnered with Empire, Tippmann, and Smart Parts gave away over $15,000 worth of prizes. I would like to get more players from the club up to the Big Spring Game this coming May. Stay tuned to the site and i will get some pics up soon.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Paint Ball at Smart Start

During "Smart Start" the Hocking College Paintball Club and Outdoor Pursuits facilitated daily game. Below is a slide show of the event.

Enjoy and stay tunned!
