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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Upcoming Game CTF Elimination in Trimble

We will meet at the student center @ 11am and depart shortly after. There is no field fee for this game, just make sure to have paint and air ahead of time. The weather looks decent 45-50 and sunny so no weather problems. We will car pool to the field so if you dont have transportation someone will gladly give you a ride.

If you have questions about this game shoot me an email @

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Top Gun Tournament Rules

Everyone must attend the safety meeting before the first game

Hocking College Students Only- Hocking College is not insured to facilitate Non-students

1Vs 1- only two competitors will compete in each match

Each Round Will be Determined by the Best Two of Three Matches

Double Elimination- each participant must lose two rounds before being knocked out

No Sideline Coaching- players watching ongoing matches may not shout or give hints to players participating in matches

No Overshooting (Bonus Balling)- do not continuoously shoot a player after they have been shot out, we are here to have fun, not injure other players

No Playing On- do not keep playing after you have been shot, refs will be on the field to give paint checks to ensure if you have had ball breaks and not bounces, spray does not count. Players caught playing on will be disqualified for that match.

NEVER REMOVE YOUR MASK ON THE FIELD- there will be designated “safe areas” in which you can safely take your mask off. Anyone who removes their mask on the field will be asked to leave

Gun Hits Count- if you get hit on anything on your person; gun, hopper, tank, harness, pods, mask, body, shoes, Etc, you are out.

Semi Auto Only- no ramping, full auto, burst, Etc. pump play is allowed.

Field Speed Limit is 285 FPS- there will be chronographs at the field, guns will be checked before each match.

BYOP (Bring You Own Paint)- players must bring their own paintballs, the school will not be supplying

NO MONSTERBALL PAINT!!!!!!!!- this paint is unsafe, players will not be permitted to use Monsterball

Air- there will be CO2 fill stations at the field. The college does not provide HPA (compressed air/nitro) at this time. Players can get HPA fills at Stoltz in Nelsonville or the Peddler and Packer in Athens.

Registration is $5 per person- 50% earnings goes to first place, other 50% to the club