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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Help Wanted

I need someone to step up and take over the club starting spring quarter, my term as president is almost up with me being close to finishing school and getting picked up on a new team with a busy schedule. My weekends will be very limited as we practcie and travel to tournaments in other states. Anyone interested can contact me at 740-856-0864. I'll gladly show you the ropes and get you on your way to running the club.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Check This Out

The paintball community has its own kind of myspace,, check this out and keep updated on local games being posted here in ohio, find and make new friends, keep track of your games and improve, its all right here. I've been using special ops for 4 years now and have made all kinds of ties in with the paintball community, I wouldnt know half the people I play with now if it wasnt for this, i recommend everyone to create an account and up your game.

Also my group has their own forum thread at, we have more views and replies under specialops great lakes brigade than anyone else, we talk about upcoming games, gear, guns and anything else out there, come check us out.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall Quarter

Things are going good for paintball this quarter, smart start was a sucess with about 40 students at the field every day, it made for a lot of good games.

The weekend before the first day of classes was a huge 2 day big game at Hell Survivors in Michigan, i went up with a group of regulars i play with and had an awesome time, i believe there was 2000 people in attendance. This place is absolutely crazy, with tanks, helicopters, truck insertions, massive forts, swamp lands, anything you could ever want in a paintball field is here.

A small crew of us went to splatterparks big fall game and had a blast, even won some free stuff.

Myself and a few others played at OU's paintball field, Ohio Paintball in Coolville all this past weekend, we only played speedball and airball the first day then mixed things up in the woods on sunday, the field was kinda muddy and i had an epic dive in a huge mud hole and got covered but we still came out on top.

This coming Sunday, the 18th, will be a possible woodsball game here at school, the dates not set in stone due to my work schedule. The 24th will be another trip to Ohio Paintball to tear it up on the speedball field again.

I have pictures coming soon, within the next two weeks i should have coverage from all the events listed above.

Some things to come include a scenario game being concocted by myself and a few close friends, email me about this one, but beware this will probably be an r rated game, no youngsters this time. Some time this fall we will be holding a top gun tournament to see who can own everyone and have bragging rights. Later this fall there will also be a 3man woodsball tournament in lancaster, i havent recieved word on details yet, my team went up and won the summer game.

Also we will eventually get an indoor game going in the school gymnasium with the foam balls, this will be a very exciting and fast paced game, we've pulled it off before and there will definately be a crowd of spectators upstairs getting in some good laughs.

dont forget meetings are every wednesday at the student center at 5pm, we will meet by the entrance near the pool tables.

if for some reason you havent been recieving emails about the club contact tim or myself and we will get you on the mailing list

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kicking Off The New Year

We have a lot of things planned for the 09-10 shcool year at hocking. A few of the games already planned are listed and some have pending dates as of right now.

There will be tournaments (woodsball and speedball), scenario games, trips to commercial fields and pleanty of rec ball and other exciting things.

I'm also working with other area paintball clubs and getting things in the works, we will hold a top gun, 1 on 1 tournament this fall at The Farm in Trimble to see whos the best, there will be fundraisers to help things along, maybe some charity games such as toys for tots held by the cppa and much more.

Smart start is coming up so all new students interested in playing an action packed week of paintball sign up, there will be a lot of interesting games.

Lastly the scenario team I play for, Invictus, is looking for players, some of you have shown interest, but we still need to fill our roster, we play all over ohio as well as neighboring states, Invictus is also holding their first scenario game, Revolutionaries, Oct. 24th at Forrest's Forest in Coolville.

If you have any questions about the club, team play or paintball in general hit me up at

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Heres a little overview of the last tpa cup tournament i participated in this may. There was a turnout of over 40 teams for division 4&5 5man and division 5 3man. My team, Misguided, placed 7th in the 3man bracket. Yes there is a tournament scene here at Hocking for all you speedballers and even some woodsball tournaments coming up. I'll have some pics up of our team from this event courtesy of the guys at

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New Scenario Team

A friend of mine is launching a new scenario team based in Athens, Team Invictus. We are recruiting players. This is primarily a woodsball and scenario based team, we will be travelling to many games in neighboring states. Serious players only, we need a dedicated and well disciplined group, alcohol and drug use is strictly banned from team operation and will result in expulsion from the team. Right now we are looking into various fund raising oppurtunities to cut down cost to the players, if you would like to be a part of invictus contact Chris @

Monday, March 2, 2009


We will meet at the Student Center @ 11am this Sunday, March 8th. we will have a brief safety meeting and chrongraph everyones markers before kicking off the first game @ 12, the games are listed as follows;

1:00-hill 186
2:00-air raid
3:30-blow the bridges
4:00-open play

if you have questions email chris @

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Upcoming Game CTF Elimination in Trimble

We will meet at the student center @ 11am and depart shortly after. There is no field fee for this game, just make sure to have paint and air ahead of time. The weather looks decent 45-50 and sunny so no weather problems. We will car pool to the field so if you dont have transportation someone will gladly give you a ride.

If you have questions about this game shoot me an email @

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Top Gun Tournament Rules

Everyone must attend the safety meeting before the first game

Hocking College Students Only- Hocking College is not insured to facilitate Non-students

1Vs 1- only two competitors will compete in each match

Each Round Will be Determined by the Best Two of Three Matches

Double Elimination- each participant must lose two rounds before being knocked out

No Sideline Coaching- players watching ongoing matches may not shout or give hints to players participating in matches

No Overshooting (Bonus Balling)- do not continuoously shoot a player after they have been shot out, we are here to have fun, not injure other players

No Playing On- do not keep playing after you have been shot, refs will be on the field to give paint checks to ensure if you have had ball breaks and not bounces, spray does not count. Players caught playing on will be disqualified for that match.

NEVER REMOVE YOUR MASK ON THE FIELD- there will be designated “safe areas” in which you can safely take your mask off. Anyone who removes their mask on the field will be asked to leave

Gun Hits Count- if you get hit on anything on your person; gun, hopper, tank, harness, pods, mask, body, shoes, Etc, you are out.

Semi Auto Only- no ramping, full auto, burst, Etc. pump play is allowed.

Field Speed Limit is 285 FPS- there will be chronographs at the field, guns will be checked before each match.

BYOP (Bring You Own Paint)- players must bring their own paintballs, the school will not be supplying

NO MONSTERBALL PAINT!!!!!!!!- this paint is unsafe, players will not be permitted to use Monsterball

Air- there will be CO2 fill stations at the field. The college does not provide HPA (compressed air/nitro) at this time. Players can get HPA fills at Stoltz in Nelsonville or the Peddler and Packer in Athens.

Registration is $5 per person- 50% earnings goes to first place, other 50% to the club

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Upcoming Tournaments

We have some upcoming tournaments in the next few months. First is the clubs top gun tournament February 7th. Registration for this event is $5. Anyone interested in playing can sign up at the club meetings every wednesday @ 5:30 or sign up online by contacting me at

I plan on attending the Splatterpark 3 man, 5 man and (8 man woodsball)jam series tournaments and desperately need team members. The registration for each jam event is $50 per person, but this includes a case of paint, air fills, and lunch so its a really good deal. Dates for the jam series are listed in the upcoming events list.

There is also a field called Victory Hill in Lancaster I have been interested in playing at, they hold 3 man tournaments, but have not released any playing dates.

Lastly MAM Paintball down in Mcarthur holds a series of woodsball and speedball tournaments, the field does not open until march so i dont have a list of events from there yet either.

So if you are interested or have questions about the above torunaments drop me an email as listed above and i will get back with you asap.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Game 1 @ Hocking

We had a very small turnout today, fun game none the less. All the players managed to endure the freezing cold (25 degrees!)and enjoy the game despite all the gun malfunctions. Today consisted of touring the fields and playing 1 on 1 and 2 on 1 matches. Next weeks game in Trimble will be much warmer and we will have a better turn out. Hope to see everyone out there.


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Paintball Club Meetings

We will be meeting every wedensday @ 5:30 pm in the student center lobby by the big screen.