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Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall Quarter

Things are going good for paintball this quarter, smart start was a sucess with about 40 students at the field every day, it made for a lot of good games.

The weekend before the first day of classes was a huge 2 day big game at Hell Survivors in Michigan, i went up with a group of regulars i play with and had an awesome time, i believe there was 2000 people in attendance. This place is absolutely crazy, with tanks, helicopters, truck insertions, massive forts, swamp lands, anything you could ever want in a paintball field is here.

A small crew of us went to splatterparks big fall game and had a blast, even won some free stuff.

Myself and a few others played at OU's paintball field, Ohio Paintball in Coolville all this past weekend, we only played speedball and airball the first day then mixed things up in the woods on sunday, the field was kinda muddy and i had an epic dive in a huge mud hole and got covered but we still came out on top.

This coming Sunday, the 18th, will be a possible woodsball game here at school, the dates not set in stone due to my work schedule. The 24th will be another trip to Ohio Paintball to tear it up on the speedball field again.

I have pictures coming soon, within the next two weeks i should have coverage from all the events listed above.

Some things to come include a scenario game being concocted by myself and a few close friends, email me about this one, but beware this will probably be an r rated game, no youngsters this time. Some time this fall we will be holding a top gun tournament to see who can own everyone and have bragging rights. Later this fall there will also be a 3man woodsball tournament in lancaster, i havent recieved word on details yet, my team went up and won the summer game.

Also we will eventually get an indoor game going in the school gymnasium with the foam balls, this will be a very exciting and fast paced game, we've pulled it off before and there will definately be a crowd of spectators upstairs getting in some good laughs.

dont forget meetings are every wednesday at the student center at 5pm, we will meet by the entrance near the pool tables.

if for some reason you havent been recieving emails about the club contact tim or myself and we will get you on the mailing list

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